Monday, July 28, 2008

Give me that beat fool-


Nothing deep today just a few thoughts on the nature of No really, men are some of the funniest creatures on this earth. The male ego is incredible, its a completely different entity all on its own living, breathing, and feeding off the insecurities of others. I was talking to a fellow MC friend of mine and he was explaining to how he was punked for beats.

The story goes like this...
There's this no-name producers who catches the ear of my homey George. Now George has a passion for rhyming like unlike anyone I've ever heard, this cat writes books...Books!!! Who now in days actually reads, and this cat is out and about writing books. Anyway, George and this cat start working on an E.P. project that George has to get finished in about a month. There was a mutual agreement between the two that no money would be exchanged for the beats and all business would be done strictly for promo...but you and I both know it didn't end that way. A week into the project the producer decides that he deserves $500 a track, naturally George flips. But, because George already had two songs done and nothing in writing to hold Greedy Beats to his word the deal goes sour. This is just what hip hop needed....

In other Ego News
For those that don't know about a year ago all of my music equipment was "misplaced" by a family member and very close friend. I had a keyboard, mic, computer, and a standard pro-tools setup that all added up to about $3000, then eventual nothing . I spent months calling both parties receiving no straight answer and after thousands of repeated calls no response at all. I was pissed/depressed/semi-murder like for a while. Honestly, certain songs I heard sent me into this Hulk state of rage. In fear if dying by high blood pleasure at an early age I began to pray for the bums that stole from me. I know its sounds cheesy but that was the only way I could cope with the situation. Well as time passed I didn't forget about my possessions but I did calm down tremendously. My serenity worked out to my unfortunate benefit, because this weekend I received a phone call from my aunt telling me that one of the parties involved in the theft was in ICU, with liver problems. My heart dropped...for a number of reasons. First of all, I would never wish anything ill upon anyone, that's not my style at all. Second, if I would've wish for any type of reciprocity from that situation, it would just be me having my equipment. Oddly enough, I actually got a phone call from this cat while he was at the crib recouping from his hospital stay, apologizing! We talked for hours after the initial conversation squashed all beef we had.

Its amazing what we can accomplish with a little bit a prayer.

But don't get it twisted, once he's all better I still want my


Liz said...

glad its all working out!

Chris said...

Your life will always have's just an f-ed up version of balance...your valleys are stupid low because your mountains are going to be really high...not saying that you are going to always be at the top of said mountain, and I'm not saying it will be an easy mountain to climb...but what I AM saying is that you will have a great life; the key is always finding your balance...which it sounds like you are doing.